The Lopus' family journey to fitness and wellness. This is not your average blog about weightloss, but a family's journey while they learn teamwork, perseverance and motivation. It is a story of faith and endurance, and how a family can pull together regardless of the past or current circumstances.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 11...

Yup...week 11. One more week after this...10 more days till the final weigh in. I'm stressed. I haven't lost hardly anything since the 6 week weigh in. I know I've changed...clothes feel different, pants I just got a few weeks ago are too big already...but still...that weight...ugh, ugh, ugh. Hopefully I can pull off a good number the final week like I did with the last weigh in. Time to pump up the water intake.

It's hard to believe we're almost done. Have I reached all of my goals? No, definitely not, but I feel like I'm a good way there. I don't feel stuck in the should of's anymore. I'm in the doing mode, and will hopefully stay there for awhile.

The kids and I will all be glad when the competition aspect of this is over. We're not really a competitive family. I mean, we like to win, but I feel like we've all done our best...each family on our team has really tried hard. I don't think it's fair to say that there's one that has tried harder. Maybe one has achieved more...but I think we've all tried OUR least I know our family has, and to think we might not "win" even when we tried our best??? We also came into this as a very out of shape family, whereas some had a few steps ahead of that a fair measure?
Oh well, I know we won't "win" but I'm not going to give up this close to the end. I'm going to get the best possible number I can get, and when it's done and over I'll know I did my absolute best.

I'm going to try and get my head into the game this week as much as possible, focus on what I can do and push myself further than I've ever been pushed before. Hopefully make my trainer proud!

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